Friday, July 31, 2009

funny joke ....kindly advise not to click in...

An Arabian is interviewed at US Checkpoint.
US officer:'' your name please."
Arabian:''Abu Aziz."
US officer:''sex?"
Arabian:''six times a week."
US officer::'' i mean male or female."
Arabian:'' doesn't matter , sometimes even with camel."
US officer:''Holy cow."
Arabian:''yes,cows and dogs too."
US officer:''man, isn't that hostile?"
Arabian:''horse style, doggy style,any style!"
US officer:"oh dear!"
Arabian:"deer?no deer!They run too fast."
The US officer faint down.....

Monday, July 27, 2009

no idea......bler

Monday,the damn most boring day in the whole week in inti life...After dragged myself out of my sleep,sit on the bed looking at my roommate ,fattchi, a AUP senior was doing his revision...guilty~~because i m still gt tans of things no revise yet...sleep again until 9 :10 am...waked up in silent,brush my teeth,and took bath....boring life routine...this morning ,i keep myself quiet all the time coz i noe tat fattchi going to take his final exam on next week...ewwww....for the continue few days,the atmosphere inside my room going to be very boring and quiet .Besides,some assignments and homework also going to drive me crazy ...